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Technical Tour: Kingman Island - Revitalizing the Habitats of the Anacostia River: A Walking Tour

EST Friday, November 17, 2023

Roundtrip transportation provided from the Hyatt Regency Hotel to the walking tour in Washington, D.C.

Registration required.

Get outdoors and see something magical

On this tour, attendees will walk across a footbridge to visit a magical place created by dredging the Anacostia River over 100 years ago, and is now home to important and rare ecosystems, including tidal freshwater wetlands, vernal pools, wildflower meadows, and tidal swamp forests. The islands are home to more than 100 different species of birds, mammals, and other wildlife. In February 2018, Mayor Bowser announced significant conservation and investment commitments for Kingman + Heritage Islands and directed the DC Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) to designate portions of both islands as a State Conservation Area and the southern area of Kingman Island as a Critical Wildlife Area. The State Conservation Area designation mimics the federal covenant for the islands, restricting their use to environmental, educational, and recreational purposes.

Safety: Attendees should wear comfortable clothing and walking shoes.  They should also plan to bring a snack and water.

Kingman Island, Washington, D.C.


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